3 Ways to Attract Younger Audiology Patients

young woman looking at audiology website on her phone

Help Younger People Prioritize Hearing Health

According to the National Institute On Deafness and Other Communication Disorders, 38 million+ Americans struggle with some level of hearing loss, yet only a fraction seek medical help. As an audiologist,  there is a vast untapped pool of potential patients – including a younger demographic that you may not typically target with your marketing. 

According to the National Library of Medicine:

  • The mean age of individuals with self-reported hearing loss is 57
  • The mean age of those who own hearing aids is 60
  • Individuals in the youngest age group (<35) were more likely than others to classify their hearing loss as profoundly impaired

According to these statistics, failing to speak to a younger demographic is a critical error that can cost audiologists both revenue and credibility. If you’re looking to shift your messaging in 2024 to be more inclusive, MedPB can help you embrace marketing strategies that cast a broader net and appeal to audiences both young and old. 

Benefits of Attracting Younger Audiology Patients

Bringing younger audiology patients into your practice has many benefits. While it can be challenging to shift your messaging and marketing tactics, the potential for practice growth is significant. 

Younger Patients Mean:

  • 20+ years of potential service  
  • Multiple upgrade opportunities  
  • $30,000+ of potential lifetime customer value  

Also worth noting: Younger patients often have solid insurance coverage through their employers, and they add long-term value. When intentional and strategic about marketing to younger audiology patients, you can edge out the competition because this is a demographic most audiology clinics neglect. 

#1 Make Things Convenient

It’s important to remember that a younger audience isn’t retired and they don’t have the same work/life balance or schedule your elderly patients might have. Like most demographics, younger patients are looking for the most hassle-free solution. Brainstorm ways to make your practice the clear, easy choice in your area. You might consider offering telehealth consultations, or special “worker” appointments after-hours or on the weekends. 

#2 Price For The Future/Offer Financing

Pricing for the future (not the past) means considering the following: Is your traditional up-front out-of-pocket approach attracting or repelling younger people? Can you create a pricing option that is more attractive to someone who is not of retirement age, or who would prefer to pay every month as opposed to up-front? Convenient financing options appeal to a younger patient group and help you maintain your edge in a competitive industry.

#3 Reject The Idea That Audiology Is For The Elderly

Understandably, most audiology clinics position themselves as serving elderly communities. However, focusing solely on this age group can exclude younger people who need your services. 

There are several ways to switch up your messaging to be more inclusive and attractive to younger patients:

  • Look over your website photography: Is there any diversity? Or do all your patient photos look the same and represent the same patient group?
  • Check your tone/voice: Are you speaking exclusively to a certain age group or people who are already experiencing hearing loss? If so, you’re missing out on an opportunity to speak to a younger audience and attract people interested in hearing care and preventative care.
  • Research how a younger demographic behaves, and take their behavior into consideration when strategizing for marketing and campaigns.
  • Younger patients are very motivated by ease and convenience. Is your audiology website design as accessible and streamlined as it can be? Are you hours, location, and contact information clear? 
  • Are you offering any appointment times that might help younger, working adults get into your clinic? For example, could you stay open one evening a week to accommodate patients with 9-5 jobs? 

Let MedPB Help You Reach Younger Audiology Patients in 2024

If you’re looking to attract younger audiology patients with fresh messaging and marketing strategies 2024, MedPB can help. Contact our team today to sharpen your competitive edge, boost your reputation, and strengthen trust and loyalty with your patient base. We can help you audiology social media that speaks to a wider audience, audiology SEO that targets multiple age groups, and audiology PPC ads that attract the right patients at the right time. 

Want to learn how to attract more patients? We can help!
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